"Well, then eat quickly. I’ll send you back after eating so that you can rest early."


After dinner, Zhuang Weiren sent Sue back to the apartment where she lived with Liu Yichen.
After the car stopped, Sue waved and walked into the community.
After about ten minutes in the community, she came out again.
Zhuang Weiren’s car is really gone. I took a taxi on the side of the road and headed for the new rented community.
Sitting in a taxi, Sue looked out of the window and lost in thought.
She doesn’t know what she’s hiding.
The fact that Lu Zhengying can force her to sign the divorce agreement is a foregone conclusion and cannot be changed.
What is she expecting?
Su Kang waited in the office until eleven o’clock, and the news was still not found.
Leaning against the leather chair, he rubbed his swollen temples wearily.
He can’t figure out where an old man with brain problems can go.
I’ve been looking for it all day, but I can’t find it
Rubbing his temples and hands will not cause him any accident, will it?
I was busy reading the latest headlines and didn’t see the news that there was a car accident or the lost old man was sent to the police station.
But where can he go?
Su Kang walks to the balcony, lights and orchids have a different kind of beauty.
Section 312
Fingers stroking a pot of orchid leaves murmured, Liu Ting, you won’t blame me for not taking good care of your father, will you?
But please rest assured that I won’t let anything happen to him.
Su Kang turned and walked into the office, put on his coat and walked out of the Su family.
Back to Sue’s villa, Tang Sumei and Su Lan have slept, and a housekeeper is still waiting for him.
Seeing him coming back, he asked, "Do you want me to cook supper for you?"
Su Kang thought for a moment, "Then please cook noodles for me."
"Ok, please wait a moment!"
Su Kang sat on the sofa and waited.
Soon the housekeeper came to call him for dinner.
Su Kang got up and went to the dining table and looked at the steaming noodles with some moist eyes.
Pick up chopsticks, stir up a chopstick noodle and send it into your mouth to eat and eat Su Kang’s hand.
Did Wu Zhengxiong go to the cemetery of Wu Liuting?
Su Kang put the bowl and put on his coat and hurried out of the door.
The housekeeper frowned and looked at it so late. Where is the master going?
Su Kang didn’t ask the driver to drive himself out of the villa.
I called Lu Haolong while driving and gave him an address.
Step on the accelerator after hanging up the phone.
After more than half an hour, the two met at the gate of the suburban cemetery.
Lu Haolong Su Kang came earlier to see the car come and push the door.
"Su Zong"
Su Kang nodded and looked at the dark in the cemetery and turned to ask Lu Haolong, "Did you contact the people in the cemetery?"
"The new duty officer who just changed shifts doesn’t know anything. We’ll wait a little longer. The duty officer is on his way during the day."
"Good" Su Kang nodded with satisfaction.
Lu Haolong followed him for many years, and many times he knew what he was going to do with one look or one sentence.
After waiting for more than twenty minutes, a middle-aged man in his fifties came from a taxi.
I came over and took a look at Su Kang and Lu Haolong. "Was that you looking for me just now?"
"Yes, master, I want to ask you something." Lu Haolong said as he took out a stack of hundred-dollar bills from his pocket and stuffed them into the man’s hand.
The man took it and put it in his pocket. He walked over and said, "You ask."
Lu Haolong took out a photo of Wu Zhengxiong from his pocket and handed it to him. "Did you see this man come to the cemetery when you were on duty today?"
☆ 5 Is Wu Zhengxiong pretending to be sick or really sick?
When I was young, love was a poem, only to find out later that it was just a short sentence, not a poem.
Lu Haolong took out a photo of Wu Zhengxiong from his pocket and handed it to him. "Did you see this man come to the cemetery when you were on duty today?"
The man took the photo and put it in front of his eyes. He looked at it carefully and thought about it. He said, "I was here for almost a day and then I left."
Su Kang grabbed his shoulders with some excitement. "Do you know where he went?"
"eldest brother, I don’t know this. I have no reason to ask others." the man said with a bitter face.
"Take me to the cemetery he has been to today," Su Kangfang said without doubt.
The man glanced at Lu Haolong.
Lu Haolong took out a pile of money from his pocket and stuffed it into his hand.
The man was satisfied and took it. I didn’t expect to send a horizontal sum of money today, which was enough to cover his salary for two or three months.
The man on duty saw the man coming back and asked strangely, "Master Zhang, aren’t you a class?"
"It’s my two friends who have something to do. I brought them."
The man on duty is also a man of about fifty years old. After listening to what Master Zhang said, he took a look at them and saw that they were not ordinary people.
What are you doing in the cemetery at night?
"But Master Zhang’s cemetery is closed now. According to the regulations, you can’t bring people in."
Lu Haolong was impatient. He took out a step of money from his pocket and put it on the duty room table. Don’t these people just want more money?
The man on duty looked straight and said, "Sir, this is a cemetery and the home of the dead. Please focus on it."
Lu Haolong smiled derisively and was about to say something when Master Zhang grabbed his arm and shook his head at him.
This Li Shifu is one-track-minded. Everything is one, one, two and two. He never knows how to be flexible.
If these two people quarrel and get into a big fight, it will be his bad luck. After all, he took money from this person.

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漫步在上海外滩,夜幕降临,华灯初上,仿佛进入了一个璀璨夺目的梦境。在这里,你可以感受到上海的繁华与活力,体验到这座城市的独特魅力。今天,就让我们一起跟随夜生活Vlog,领略上海外滩的璀璨夜景。 夜幕降临,漫步在外滩的观光步道上,眼前的灯光璀璨,犹如星空一般闪烁。东方明珠塔、金茂大厦、上海中心大厦等高楼大厦耸立在江边,与河面上的灯光交相辉映,构成了一幅美丽的都市夜景画。漫步在外滩,你可以看到西洋建筑、巴洛克式建筑、装饰艺术建筑等各种风格,其中最著名的当属外滩十八铜人,这是一组以外滩近代历史人物为原型的雕塑,象征着上海的过去、现在和未来。 夜游外滩,乘坐游船缓缓行驶在黄浦江上,两岸的高楼大厦、历史建筑和璀璨灯光尽收眼底。当游船靠近东方明珠塔时,仿佛进入了一个童话世界,城市的灯火和塔楼的光彩交相辉映,给人一种令人陶醉的感觉。夜幕下,东方明珠的灯光变幻莫测,时而明亮如白昼,时而柔和如月光,仿佛在诉说着这座城市的历史与故事。 外滩的夜生活同样丰富多彩。漫步在外滩的商业街上,你可以尽情购物,品尝美食。这里有许多国际一线品牌的旗舰店,以及传统的老字号商家。在外滩附近的老上海风味餐厅,你可以品尝到正宗的本帮菜,如小龙虾、糖醋排骨等经典菜品。此外,这里还有许多高级餐厅供你选择,满足你的味蕾。 除了购物和美食,外滩的夜生活还包括观看精彩纷呈的灯光秀。每当夜幕降临,外滩的灯光秀便会开始,五彩斑斓的灯光在夜空中闪烁,犹如一幅流动的画卷。此时,你可以与家人或朋友一起,在江边欣赏这美丽的夜景,感受这座城市的独特魅力。 漫步在外滩,你还可以体验到上海独特的文化氛围。这里有许多街头艺人表演,如魔术、杂技、歌唱等,为夜生活增添了一份欢乐。此外,外滩附近的广场上,经常会有各种文艺演出,如音乐会、舞蹈表演等,让你在欣赏美景的同时,感受到这座城市的艺术气息。 总之,漫步上海外滩,夜生活Vlog带你领略璀璨夜景。在这里,你可以感受到上海的繁华与活力,体验到这座城市的独特魅力。不妨在某个夜晚,漫步在外滩,感受这座城市的韵味,留下美好的回忆。



近年来,随着我国经济的快速发展,上海这座国际化大都市的夜生活也日益丰富。在这里,无论是追求时尚潮流的年轻人,还是热爱传统文化的游客,都能找到属于自己的夜生活新玩法。以下是2018年上海夜生活的新玩法推荐,让你在上海的夜晚尽情狂欢。 一、古镇夜游,感受江南水乡韵味 作为上海32个历史风貌保护区之一的蟠龙古镇,在今年上海夜生活节中脱颖而出,成为100个夜生活好去处之一。在这里,你可以欣赏到以夜市为代表的夜间经济,品尝美食、游玩购物、观赏光影秀,感受古镇的韵味。此外,改造完成的上海蟠龙天地成为集商业、住宅、酒店、绿地于一体的大型综合体,让你在夜晚也能享受到繁华都市的便利。 二、外滩金融中心,体验不夜城魅力 BFC外滩金融中心作为上海夜生活节标杆性活动,每年都会带来全新的夜生活体验。今年,BFC外滩金融中心携手商圈、品牌和商户,打造市集、音乐季、主题展等活动,让市民游客在夜晚也能享受到一站式购物、娱乐体验。此外,BFC还将举办音乐社群活动、潮玩运动体验、外滩舞会等系列内容,让你在繁华的都市中尽情狂欢。 三、南京路步行街,感受旧上海风情 南京路步行街作为上海最繁华的商业街之一,夜晚更是热闹非凡。你可以在这里感受到旧上海的风情,欣赏现代建筑与欧洲风格的旧建筑相互辉映,品尝美食、购物、乘坐小型电车,沉浸在古老的上海文化中。此外,你还可以在南京路步行街的露天电影院观看电影,享受独特的观影体验。 四、东方明珠塔旋转餐厅,俯瞰上海夜景 东方明珠塔旋转餐厅位于273米高的粉红色球体中,在这里,你可以一边享用美食,一边欣赏上海夜景。随着餐厅的缓慢旋转,你可以将浦江两岸的霓虹灯、海峡两岸的特色建筑尽收眼底,感受上海独特的夜景魅力。 五、夜店狂欢,体验全新玩法 在上海的夜店中,你不仅可以欣赏到DJ的精彩表演,还可以体验到全新的玩法。例如,某家名为EP的夜店就开启了与百大DJ近距离接触的机会,让你轻松与他们互动,感受夜生活的幸福时光。 总之,2018年上海夜生活的新玩法层出不穷,无论你是喜欢古镇韵味、繁华都市、还是夜店狂欢,都能在上海找到属于自己的夜生活新体验。快来上海,尽情享受这座不夜城的魅力吧!



夜幕降临,华灯初上,上海这座繁华都市披上了璀璨的盛装。霓虹灯闪烁,车水马龙,仿佛一幅流动的画卷。在这座不夜城,音乐与夜色交织,演绎出一曲曲引领潮流的旋律。 上海的夜,充满了活力与动感。南京路步行街,霓虹灯映照着行人的脸庞,欢声笑语回荡在街头。这里的音乐,既有古典的优雅,又有现代的激情。每当夜幕降临,街头巷尾的歌手们便开始献唱,歌声悠扬,吸引了众多行人驻足聆听。 走进KTV,这里更是音乐的天堂。各种风格的音乐在这里汇聚,从流行歌曲到摇滚乐,从爵士乐到古典音乐,应有尽有。年轻人喜欢在KTV里尽情释放自己的激情,用歌声表达对生活的热爱。而老年人则喜欢在KTV里回忆往昔,用歌声唤起对美好时光的回忆。 上海的夜,也是时尚的象征。在各大酒吧、夜店,流行音乐成为引领潮流的先锋。这里聚集了来自世界各地的音乐人,他们用独特的音乐风格,为上海的夜生活增添了无限色彩。流行音乐、电子音乐、摇滚音乐……各种音乐在这里交织,形成了一种独特的都市文化。 在音乐的影响下,上海的夜生活更加丰富多彩。夜幕下的上海,不仅有美丽的夜景,还有令人陶醉的音乐。人们在这里尽情享受着音乐带来的快乐,忘却了生活的烦恼。 值得一提的是,上海的夜色与音乐还孕育了一批优秀的音乐人才。他们用音乐诠释着上海这座城市的魅力,用歌声传递着上海人的热情。从周杰伦、蔡依林到李宇春、周笔畅,这些音乐人在国内外享有盛誉,成为了上海音乐的骄傲。 当然,上海的夜色与音乐也离不开科技的支撑。随着科技的发展,音乐的形式和传播方式发生了翻天覆地的变化。如今,人们可以通过网络、手机等渠道,随时随地欣赏到自己喜欢的音乐。而音乐制作技术也日新月异,让音乐作品更加丰富多彩。 总之,上海的夜色璀璨,歌曲引领潮流。在这座不夜城,音乐与夜色相得益彰,共同谱写着这座城市的辉煌篇章。让我们沉浸在这美妙的音乐之夜,感受上海这座城市的独特魅力。
