"Call them Ma Cha" Ouyang Pu said coldly to the middle-aged man in a cold sweat and turned to the secret and said "Call all the executives to the meeting room immediately"


The secret promised a middle-aged man and hurriedly ran out.
Ouyang Pu looked into the distance through the French window, but his eyebrows were tightly knit together.
Is he buying my shares? No way. No matter how powerful he is, how can he get so much money?
Is it Yuwen’s house? There are also Yuwen’s family who have such strong funds, Ouyang Pu thought.
But on second thought, this truth is that they have never intervened in each other’s territory for so many years, and the two families are friends
This makes Ouyang Pu more and more uncertain. Is it that foreign consortia are behind the scenes?
Don’t say that Ouyang Pu really guessed it. This money really came from the rb Yamaguchi group, but he didn’t think about it behind it.
Ps didn’t know much about the acquisition of shares here for a long time. After checking all noon, the information was not very comprehensive. Don’t mind if you have friends who know, you can come to the evaluation area and leave a message for Changye or recommend me a few times for commercial acquisition.
Chapter 47 Go and get the rabbit cub back [Ten Watch]
Ouyang Pu was so angry that the whole conference room was silent.
Ouyang Tuan, a group of senior leaders, looked at Ouyang Pu, who didn’t have a cold face. No one dared to speak first. They were all waiting. They had been sitting in the fast class from noon to noon and didn’t even eat lunch.
Some people protested a little, but they were put up with it.
"Click" the meeting room door was pushed from the outside and the middle-aged man came in.
"Say" OuYangPu coldly spit out a word
This word seems to have great power to make middle-aged men’s legs tremble and say
"Chairman Dong … has closed our … our company’s tradable shares have been closed by 21%."
"Wow" everyone in the meeting room was surprised. They didn’t expect that it was not good news after waiting in the meeting room all day.
"Is the source of funds clear?" Ouyang pu sink asked
"Find out" the middle-aged man wiped his head and said with a cold sweat, "The purchase account is the international entertainment of Jinghua Dynasty"
"Pa" Ouyang Pu slapped him on the table and got up.
"What else do I want from you?" OuYangPu nu way "dynasty entertainment? Where did they get so much money? You told me that I asked you to check the source of funds and that’s all you found? "
"But … but chairman, we can find these." The middle-aged man trembled and said.
The middle-aged man didn’t lie. He was busy all afternoon and found the specific source of funds of the other party’s purchase account. They couldn’t find it.
"Get out of here and don’t let me see you again," Ouyang Pu said, pointing to the middle-aged man.
The middle-aged man ran out without saying anything, so it’s OuYangPuEn to let him roll, otherwise he won’t have a chance to roll.
"Everybody out" Ouyang Pu looked at everyone in the meeting room and said.
"Hua" after a chair moving sound, Ouyang Pu was left alone in the large conference room.
A 20-year-old man with a secret identity and so much energy. Who is he?
OuYangPu mind fast calculation.
His surname is Qin, but it seems that there is no surname Qin among Chinese people with such financial resources. If he is * * *, there are some people who can’t say that there is no surname Qin in those bosses in Beijing.
Thinking of OuYangPu take out a cellular phone and dialed his words that trouble.
"Hey, dad, I was just about to call you." Ouyang Pu didn’t talk. Come to Ouyang Jin and shout over there first.
"Dad, I’ve been beaten again," Ouyang Jin cried. "It’s that Qin hand who has to help me."
"OuYangJin" OuYangPu cold interrupted OuYangJin words.
"eh? What happened to Dad? " Ouyang Jin one leng also felt something was wrong. His father never spoke to himself in this tone, and he always called his son. The number of times he called his name directly was still very few.
"Ouyang Jin, get your horse back now" Ouyang Pu denounced.
"What?" Ouyang Jin leng one some don’t know his dad but rarely scold yourself.
"What? Do you know who the other person is? " Ouyang Pu asked
"I don’t know," Ouyang Jin asked some puzzling. "Dad, don’t you know? Dad quickly bought his company and ruined him. Now I have been hit by his hand in both eyes. "
"Acquisition? Haha, "Ouyang Pu said with a furious smile," Now I’m not buying his company, but he’s buying our company. Now get back here. "
"What?" Ouyang Jin froze.
His father just seemed to be saying … that one who beat himself is buying his own company?
"Dad can’t? How can he have money in our family? " Ouyang Jin silly asked
"Always let your horse roll back. You are not allowed to take a step out of the house before I deal with it properly." Ouyang Pu is really helpless to him. Other people’s families are thinking about the family business, but he is going to lose his family. This time, he has provoked a young man who doesn’t know what position. As a result, he is in such trouble now. However, this rabbit cub is not worried at all.
"Dad, what are you talking about? Why do you scold me? I won’t go back. "Ouyang Jin is also a stubborn temper, and it is even more wronged to be scolded by Ouyang Pu.
Why should I be scolded if I get beaten?
"You …" OuYangPu gas is really want to vomiting blood, he now just found himself before every possible way to love son how now looks so hateful?
"Get your horse back here."
"If I don’t go back, I won’t go back if you don’t avenge me." Ouyang Jin’s stubborn temper has never stopped talking whether the other party is father or mother.
Listening to the words, Ouyang Pu was so angry that he directly smashed the mobile phone on the conference table. As a result, the limited-edition diamond-encrusted mobile phone became a pile of pieces.
Wanted to think OuYangPu and pulled out a mobile phone to dial out.
"Meiyuan, are you at home?"
"Yes, I’m at home. Why?" There was a crash of mahjong and then a woman’s voice.
Chen Meiyuan is also the fourth aunt of Ouyang Pu, and also the mother of Ouyang Jin.
"Come with me to Beijing" OuYangPu rubbed his head and said.

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夜幕低垂,华灯初上,上海这座国际大都市的夜晚,犹如一幅五彩斑斓的画卷。在这繁华的都市中,夜生活已成为人们生活的一部分,而其中,桑拿成为了一种潮流,吸引着众多市民和游客前来体验。 漫步在上海的街头,不难发现,夜生活桑拿已经成为了一种时尚。无论是繁华的南京路、淮海路,还是充满生活气息的田子坊、新天地,都能看到桑拿馆的身影。这些桑拿馆装修豪华,设施齐全,为消费者提供舒适、健康的桑拿体验。 桑拿,起源于芬兰,被誉为“北欧浴池”。它通过高温蒸汽促使人体毛孔扩张,加速血液循环,从而达到促进新陈代谢、增强免疫力的效果。在繁忙的都市生活中,人们越来越注重健康养生,桑拿因此成为了热门的休闲方式。 上海的桑拿馆种类繁多,有传统的芬兰式桑拿、韩式汗蒸、土耳其式蒸房等。其中,韩式汗蒸以其独特的功效和舒适的体验受到了广大消费者的喜爱。在韩式汗蒸房中,消费者可以一边享受高温带来的放松,一边欣赏馆内精美的装饰和丰富的娱乐设施。 此外,上海的桑拿馆还提供各种特色服务,如足疗、按摩、美容等。在享受桑拿的同时,消费者可以尽情放松身心,缓解疲劳。尤其对于上班族来说,桑拿成为了缓解工作压力、提升工作效率的绝佳方式。 随着夜生活的丰富,上海的桑拿馆也在不断创新。一些桑拿馆将传统文化与现代元素相结合,打造出独具特色的桑拿体验。如将桑拿与茶艺、香薰、瑜伽等相结合,为消费者提供全方位的养生保健服务。 当然,享受夜生活桑拿也需要注意一些事项。首先,要选择正规、卫生的桑拿馆,确保身体健康。其次,要根据自身身体状况选择合适的桑拿方式,避免因高温导致身体不适。最后,要合理安排时间,不要过度依赖桑拿,以免影响正常生活和工作。 总之,漫步在上海的夜晚,桑拿已成为一种潮流。它为人们提供了一个放松身心、养生保健的平台,让人们在这座繁华都市中,找到属于自己的宁静时光。在这个充满活力的城市,让我们一起感受夜生活桑拿的魅力吧!



漫步在上海外滩,夜幕降临,华灯初上,仿佛进入了一个璀璨夺目的梦境。在这里,你可以感受到上海的繁华与活力,体验到这座城市的独特魅力。今天,就让我们一起跟随夜生活Vlog,领略上海外滩的璀璨夜景。 夜幕降临,漫步在外滩的观光步道上,眼前的灯光璀璨,犹如星空一般闪烁。东方明珠塔、金茂大厦、上海中心大厦等高楼大厦耸立在江边,与河面上的灯光交相辉映,构成了一幅美丽的都市夜景画。漫步在外滩,你可以看到西洋建筑、巴洛克式建筑、装饰艺术建筑等各种风格,其中最著名的当属外滩十八铜人,这是一组以外滩近代历史人物为原型的雕塑,象征着上海的过去、现在和未来。 夜游外滩,乘坐游船缓缓行驶在黄浦江上,两岸的高楼大厦、历史建筑和璀璨灯光尽收眼底。当游船靠近东方明珠塔时,仿佛进入了一个童话世界,城市的灯火和塔楼的光彩交相辉映,给人一种令人陶醉的感觉。夜幕下,东方明珠的灯光变幻莫测,时而明亮如白昼,时而柔和如月光,仿佛在诉说着这座城市的历史与故事。 外滩的夜生活同样丰富多彩。漫步在外滩的商业街上,你可以尽情购物,品尝美食。这里有许多国际一线品牌的旗舰店,以及传统的老字号商家。在外滩附近的老上海风味餐厅,你可以品尝到正宗的本帮菜,如小龙虾、糖醋排骨等经典菜品。此外,这里还有许多高级餐厅供你选择,满足你的味蕾。 除了购物和美食,外滩的夜生活还包括观看精彩纷呈的灯光秀。每当夜幕降临,外滩的灯光秀便会开始,五彩斑斓的灯光在夜空中闪烁,犹如一幅流动的画卷。此时,你可以与家人或朋友一起,在江边欣赏这美丽的夜景,感受这座城市的独特魅力。 漫步在外滩,你还可以体验到上海独特的文化氛围。这里有许多街头艺人表演,如魔术、杂技、歌唱等,为夜生活增添了一份欢乐。此外,外滩附近的广场上,经常会有各种文艺演出,如音乐会、舞蹈表演等,让你在欣赏美景的同时,感受到这座城市的艺术气息。 总之,漫步上海外滩,夜生活Vlog带你领略璀璨夜景。在这里,你可以感受到上海的繁华与活力,体验到这座城市的独特魅力。不妨在某个夜晚,漫步在外滩,感受这座城市的韵味,留下美好的回忆。



近年来,随着我国经济的快速发展,上海这座国际化大都市的夜生活也日益丰富。在这里,无论是追求时尚潮流的年轻人,还是热爱传统文化的游客,都能找到属于自己的夜生活新玩法。以下是2018年上海夜生活的新玩法推荐,让你在上海的夜晚尽情狂欢。 一、古镇夜游,感受江南水乡韵味 作为上海32个历史风貌保护区之一的蟠龙古镇,在今年上海夜生活节中脱颖而出,成为100个夜生活好去处之一。在这里,你可以欣赏到以夜市为代表的夜间经济,品尝美食、游玩购物、观赏光影秀,感受古镇的韵味。此外,改造完成的上海蟠龙天地成为集商业、住宅、酒店、绿地于一体的大型综合体,让你在夜晚也能享受到繁华都市的便利。 二、外滩金融中心,体验不夜城魅力 BFC外滩金融中心作为上海夜生活节标杆性活动,每年都会带来全新的夜生活体验。今年,BFC外滩金融中心携手商圈、品牌和商户,打造市集、音乐季、主题展等活动,让市民游客在夜晚也能享受到一站式购物、娱乐体验。此外,BFC还将举办音乐社群活动、潮玩运动体验、外滩舞会等系列内容,让你在繁华的都市中尽情狂欢。 三、南京路步行街,感受旧上海风情 南京路步行街作为上海最繁华的商业街之一,夜晚更是热闹非凡。你可以在这里感受到旧上海的风情,欣赏现代建筑与欧洲风格的旧建筑相互辉映,品尝美食、购物、乘坐小型电车,沉浸在古老的上海文化中。此外,你还可以在南京路步行街的露天电影院观看电影,享受独特的观影体验。 四、东方明珠塔旋转餐厅,俯瞰上海夜景 东方明珠塔旋转餐厅位于273米高的粉红色球体中,在这里,你可以一边享用美食,一边欣赏上海夜景。随着餐厅的缓慢旋转,你可以将浦江两岸的霓虹灯、海峡两岸的特色建筑尽收眼底,感受上海独特的夜景魅力。 五、夜店狂欢,体验全新玩法 在上海的夜店中,你不仅可以欣赏到DJ的精彩表演,还可以体验到全新的玩法。例如,某家名为EP的夜店就开启了与百大DJ近距离接触的机会,让你轻松与他们互动,感受夜生活的幸福时光。 总之,2018年上海夜生活的新玩法层出不穷,无论你是喜欢古镇韵味、繁华都市、还是夜店狂欢,都能在上海找到属于自己的夜生活新体验。快来上海,尽情享受这座不夜城的魅力吧!
