"Quack … it’s all about accelerating and breaking the armor array. In the future, when you meet those wannabe flying, you don’t have to waste the air seal. Shoot it down with one arrow!"


"Meowed …"
My mind is imagining the cold in the excitement of shooting people with a bow, and I am awakened by the sound coming from my side. The little guy is squatting on his leg and rubbing his head.
This little thing didn’t wake up until it slept for more than a month. Strangely, after swallowing the flying sword with residual blood, its size increased a little. Later, I swallowed a lot of babies and fell asleep. I thought there would be any changes, but now it has become the size when I first met. It looks no different.
The little guy’s mouth is open, and he spits out two white teeth, showing a very human expression, which is a great appearance.
Those are its two deciduous teeth. In the past, there were only four deciduous teeth. Now, in addition to the other two deciduous teeth, there are six more teeth.
Chen cold left the pie mouth speechless, and the little guy was showing off that he had grown up.
Gently hold it in her arms, take out the Yuan Ying and Yuan Shen who were killed by Ouyang’s master more than half a month ago, and Chen Han hey hey smiled: "Do you like it? Hey hey ….. In order to get this, Lao Tzu took the world by storm and was found to be in trouble. How are you going to repay it? "
Yuan Ying contains the purest true yuan energy. Once the Yuan Shen brand attached to it is erased, it can directly absorb the true yuan and turn it into its own use.
As for the Yuan God, the soul source in the core has been eliminated, which is the crystallization of pure Yuan God’s power, but this thing can’t be absorbed by the person who fixes the truth.
The little guy cheered up immediately, and a pair of big dark eyes were full of excitement, whining and yelling at Chen Han.
Soon, it also found that Chen Han was making things difficult for himself, and hurriedly rolled into his arms in a miserable way. He was simply a child who asked adults for candy, which was unbearable.
"Have to! Afraid of you, take it … "
Chen Han didn’t expect anything from it. He did it only because the elite who took it from him felt a little guilty. In addition, this little guy was so cute that it was nothing to keep a small pet: "By the way, I can’t always call you little guy. Did you have a name before?"
Small paws holding a baby munch, hear Chen cold, it stopped eyes dim shook his head, as if thinking of something sad.
"Poor little guy, just like I used to." Chen Han remembered that when he didn’t know his life, he would feel depressed when others asked about his parents.
"Blare ….." Two drops of tears as big as beans came out of the little guy’s eyes.
"Hey, don’t cry. I’ll just take you to play in the future. Maybe your parents have a last resort and didn’t abandon you on purpose."
Chen Han gently stroked his little head, ha ha smiled: "You see, you are all white, how about calling you Xiao Bai in the future?"
"Blare ….." Cried the little fellow disgruntled.
"dry! Do you also know that this name is too common? "
"Blare ….." The little guy nodded proudly, a pair of’ don’t treat me like a fool’.
"Fat in vain … that call you Elizabeth? What a foreign name … Hey! Don’t bite Lao tze, I’m kidding … "
"Meowed …"
"I won’t make trouble with you. At first glance, you are a mother. Just call Xueyun, and don’t forget it!"
"Blare …"
The little guy’s cry was very light, and he ran away with the half-chewed baby. After a long cold stare, he shouted to himself, "I’ll do it!" Even if you are psychic, even if you know how to be shy, are you at most equivalent to a human baby of two or three years old? Even shy? Is this too premature? "
Chen Han continued to refine the device, and the puppy Xueyun continued to chew Yuan Ying and Yuan Shen. However, when Chen Han devoted himself wholeheartedly, he did not find that Xueyun’s body began to change.
A layer of snow-white milli light radiates, and there is no energy fluctuation. Only the line of sight can detect this change, which is why Chen Han didn’t find it.
Its body suddenly grew bigger and smaller. When Yuan Ying and Yuan Shen, both from the early out-of-body experience practitioners, were all swallowed up, this big and small change went back and forth for 18 times.
The white light, which was originally kept in a circle on the body surface, expanded to about four meters in Fiona Fang, and there was no aura in this area. There are two small deciduous teeth on the ground, and the mouth is full of sharp teeth. Xueyun finally can’t help but scream in pain.
"Snow cloud …"
Chen Han was awakened by the sudden change, and a magic weapon underwear that was close to completion was turned into a pile of scrap iron on the spot due to a pause halfway.
He didn’t care so much, and hurriedly rushed to the painful rolling snow cloud in the middle of the white light. However, at the moment when he first came into contact with the white light, he was horrified to find that the five elements of Xuan gas in the body were constantly losing. Completely out of control, although the loss rate is not fast, but he can feel, xuan gas really disappeared, all into the white light outside.
How is that possible?
The mysterious energy of the five elements of Xuan Qi, even those who fix the truth in higher order can’t find it, and they always think that there is no energy in his body. At the same time, it is inconceivable that the air-stuck seal launched by Xuan Qi can’t be countered and resisted by Zhenyuan, and it will be absorbed and merged by this magical white light.
Just when he was shocked and at a loss, the white light on the snow cloud suddenly disappeared, and the screams stopped, and it became a small appearance before.
However, there is a pool of viscous liquid on the ground that has just been rolled, which is clearly the impurity discharged from the pores.
It stood up very tired, as if exhausted, and cried piteously at Chen Han.
A powerful energy fluctuation appeared hundreds of meters away from the villa and dashed across the void at an extremely fast speed.
That kind of weird energy, cold, has been seen before, and I didn’t care about the changes in the snow cloud, so I smashed the wall of the study directly to meet up.
"Are you Chen Han?"
There is a man floating in the void, who exudes a strong breath at the beginning of OBE. He is fluent in Chinese: "My name is Ichiro Matsubara, and I was ordered by Daiguji to kill you. Do you want to know why?"
What other reasons can there be? At the beginning, he swore at the moustache on the South China Sea. Now, Japan is similar to Yanhuang, and many complicated things are probably finished, so there will be time to solve all kinds of grievances. Being abused by a young player in front of so many people is definitely not a trivial matter. The object is a guy who is humble and naturally becomes the first object to be erased.
Early OBE?

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夜幕降临,华灯初上,上海这座繁华的国际大都市,便开始了一场无与伦比的夜生活盛宴。夜上海,以其独特的魅力,吸引着无数游客和市民流连忘返。 漫步在南京路步行街,霓虹灯闪烁,店铺林立,这里是上海最繁华的商业街区之一。夜色中的南京路,仿佛一条流动的彩带,将上海的繁华与活力展现得淋漓尽致。街道两旁,各种美食店铺香气四溢,让人垂涎欲滴。街头巷尾,各种表演此起彼伏,为这座不夜城增添了无尽的乐趣。 苏州河畔,夜色中的黄浦江水波荡漾,两岸的摩天大楼在灯光的映衬下,犹如一座座璀璨的明珠。夜游黄浦江,乘坐游船穿梭于两岸高楼之间,感受这座城市的独特韵味。夜幕下的外滩,流光溢彩,仿佛穿越时空,回到了上个世纪30年代的风情万种的上海滩。 走进上海滩,仿佛置身于一个梦幻的世界。在这里,你可以欣赏到一场场精彩的表演,感受这座城市的激情与活力。巨型透明的水幕舞台,360度环绕式空间,让你仿佛置身于一个奇幻的梦境。空中表演、纸、水、风、舞,酷炫的舞台装置和视觉体验,让你目不暇接,流连忘返。 夜幕下的上海,不仅是繁华的商业街区,更是充满艺术气息的文化殿堂。上海大剧院、上海音乐厅等文化场所,在这里,你可以欣赏到世界级的演出,感受艺术的魅力。而上海的街头艺术,更是让人叹为观止。涂鸦、雕塑、行为艺术,各种艺术形式在这里汇聚,为这座城市增添了独特的文化底蕴。 夜上海,是一座不夜城,这里的生活节奏仿佛比白天还要快。夜幕下的上海,人们纷纷走出家门,释放自己的激情与活力。无论是年轻人还是老年人,都在这个夜晚找到了属于自己的快乐。夜上海的街头,充满了欢声笑语,人们在这里尽情享受着生活的美好。 然而,夜上海的魅力并非仅仅在于繁华与热闹。这里的夜晚,同样充满了宁静与温馨。在夜色中,你可以看到许多市民在公园里散步、聊天,享受着这份难得的宁静。而那些夜晚依然坚守岗位的工人,则用自己的辛勤付出,为这座城市的繁荣发展默默奉献。 夜上海,夜幕下的繁华盛宴,是一幅流动的画卷,是一首优美的诗篇。在这里,你可以感受到这座城市的魅力,也可以找到属于自己的快乐。夜上海,期待着每一位游客和市民的到来,共同感受这座不夜城的独特韵味。



上海,这座国际化大都市,夜晚的活力与魅力丝毫不亚于白日。夜幕降临,华灯初上,上海各大商圈、公园、艺术空间纷纷举办丰富多彩的娱乐活动,为市民和游客带来一场场视觉、听觉、味觉的盛宴。以下是几大不容错过的上海夜生活娱乐活动,让你感受这座城市的独特魅力。 首先,光影交错的静安国际光影节绝对不容错过。在中秋国庆期间,苏河湾滨水空间将点亮整个秋季,成为游客必打卡之地。光影音乐天台派对、歌剧魅影主题巴士等活动让夜晚充满潮流魅力,解锁静安的夜生活。 其次,茶香四溢的上海国际茶文化旅游节也是一大亮点。苏州河畔的苏河湾将成为茶文化爱好者的聚集地,品味东方茶文化的韵味,感受茶与静安的完美融合。 此外,露天电影、非遗文化体验等活动也让人流连忘返。嘉定宝龙广场推出的落日派对活动,带来两部露天电影,让喜欢看电影的小伙伴们大饱眼福。马陆镇文化体育服务中心举办的京剧脸谱活动,带你领略国粹的魅力。 走进虹口的艺术空间,一场清凉之旅等你来赴。夜次元——奇遇之夜艺术展,通过户外公共艺术单元和室内艺术单元,带来三重不同的奇遇体验。户外公共艺术单元梦之屋中的作品,白天成为坚硬的外壳,夜晚则成为奇遇的起点,让人感受到城市的夜晚魅力。 在张江科学城,第二届夜张江生活节为你带来夏日清凉。汇智国际商业中心以“艺术科技商业”的独特定位,打造了一处万物聚合引力场,让你在玩趣的夜市空间中感受张江的城市烟火气息。品尝各地美食、体验各类运动挑战项目、享受亲子互动的欢乐时光,让你度过一个难忘的夏日夜晚。 总之,上海夜生活精彩纷呈,不容错过。无论是光影交错的静安国际光影节,还是茶香四溢的上海国际茶文化旅游节,亦或是露天电影、非遗文化体验等活动,都能让你感受到这座城市的独特魅力。在这个充满活力的夜晚,不妨走出家门,去感受上海的夜生活,开启一段美好的时光之旅。



夜幕低垂,华灯初上,上海这座国际大都市的夜晚,犹如一幅五彩斑斓的画卷。在这繁华的都市中,夜生活已成为人们生活的一部分,而其中,桑拿成为了一种潮流,吸引着众多市民和游客前来体验。 漫步在上海的街头,不难发现,夜生活桑拿已经成为了一种时尚。无论是繁华的南京路、淮海路,还是充满生活气息的田子坊、新天地,都能看到桑拿馆的身影。这些桑拿馆装修豪华,设施齐全,为消费者提供舒适、健康的桑拿体验。 桑拿,起源于芬兰,被誉为“北欧浴池”。它通过高温蒸汽促使人体毛孔扩张,加速血液循环,从而达到促进新陈代谢、增强免疫力的效果。在繁忙的都市生活中,人们越来越注重健康养生,桑拿因此成为了热门的休闲方式。 上海的桑拿馆种类繁多,有传统的芬兰式桑拿、韩式汗蒸、土耳其式蒸房等。其中,韩式汗蒸以其独特的功效和舒适的体验受到了广大消费者的喜爱。在韩式汗蒸房中,消费者可以一边享受高温带来的放松,一边欣赏馆内精美的装饰和丰富的娱乐设施。 此外,上海的桑拿馆还提供各种特色服务,如足疗、按摩、美容等。在享受桑拿的同时,消费者可以尽情放松身心,缓解疲劳。尤其对于上班族来说,桑拿成为了缓解工作压力、提升工作效率的绝佳方式。 随着夜生活的丰富,上海的桑拿馆也在不断创新。一些桑拿馆将传统文化与现代元素相结合,打造出独具特色的桑拿体验。如将桑拿与茶艺、香薰、瑜伽等相结合,为消费者提供全方位的养生保健服务。 当然,享受夜生活桑拿也需要注意一些事项。首先,要选择正规、卫生的桑拿馆,确保身体健康。其次,要根据自身身体状况选择合适的桑拿方式,避免因高温导致身体不适。最后,要合理安排时间,不要过度依赖桑拿,以免影响正常生活和工作。 总之,漫步在上海的夜晚,桑拿已成为一种潮流。它为人们提供了一个放松身心、养生保健的平台,让人们在这座繁华都市中,找到属于自己的宁静时光。在这个充满活力的城市,让我们一起感受夜生活桑拿的魅力吧!
