Old John turned his head and saw someone standing at the door and Sith’s surprised expression. "What’s the matter? Is there a guest from Sith? Please invite him in."


Old John said, moving close to his big table, where there is an alarm button, and the whole villa area bodyguards will come running as soon as they press it.
Lin Cheng tugged at SisJohn’s tie and kept his feet on the ground. The door was followed by a sad brown.
"Hey, Brown, didn’t old John owe you money? You go and ask him to let me talk to him first." Lin Cheng grabbed Sis John and threw it directly to the ground.
This is old John’s hand, which is very close to the alarm button. He has also heard of this oriental small skill, and he dare not take it lightly. His hand will touch the alarm button in ten centimeters.
"Oops!" Old John shouted, clutching his wrist, that Lin Cheng had caught a bottle cap in his hand. When he came, he was going to give the old John family a horse. It happened that he saw that old John’s hand was shaking and he was going to touch the desk. Of course, Lin Cheng didn’t know the alarm here. He thought that old John was going to the desk to get a gun.
A small bottle cap was poured into Lin Cheng’s hand, which was not as powerful as a bullet. Old John was a ruthless man, but he was rarely injured for more than ten years, because many things didn’t happen. Suddenly, his wrist was hit by a bottle cap, and the bottle cap didn’t hit the surface directly. Because of the pouring of the bottle cap, the wrist of old John was cracked directly.
Recently, Lin Cheng also found himself playing the magical power more and more vigorously. A bottle cap bounced out with the help of super finger force, which was so powerful.
"Grandpa!" When little John saw that grandpa was injured by Lin Cheng, he had to struggle to hold grandpa. Because old John moved, he also saw it in his eyes. He knew that there was an alarm button at the bottom of grandpa’s desk, and the alarm was pressed before he could negotiate with this little weight.
Little John has seen Lin Cheng with his own eyes. He has no illusions about any pistol. If he has a submachine gun in his hand, he can gamble.
But Lin Cheng won’t give him this chance. Lin Cheng picked up little John with the other hand. "How much do they owe you, Brown?"
Brown is still in a daze. He dare not look at old John’s cruel eyes.
"202,000 euros"
"That’s good." Lin Cheng grabbed old John by the collar. Although old John broke one hand, his other hand was idle and struggling to hit Lin Chengtou.
Lin Cheng grabbed old John’s hand and shook his strength, which filled his limbs from the abdomen. This shaking was a Tai Chi bullet and shook the bones of old John as soon as it shook.
Naturally, old John’s fist fell to the ground like a pool of mud.
"Hurry up and give 200,000 euros to Brown Horse. I don’t want to say it again."
Old John’s bones were shaken by Lin Cheng, but in fact he was not hurt, but he was full of strength in a minute or two.
"Brown, do you have a card? Ask him to transfer money for you."
Brown told old John the card number, and old John also knew that men don’t eat short-term losses and transferred the account to Brown with anger. Now he doesn’t hate this oriental smallness, but even hates Brown.
Brown meets many people in the bar every day, and he has a strong ability to look at his face. Of course, he can see that old John hates him. Even if he walks out of here, his generation will live in the pursuit of the John family unless he hides in the sky.
Lin Cheng watched old John transfer the account to Brown. "Wait, aren’t you going to give me some mental loss?" You hunted me down several times and almost killed me in Somalia. "
Old John looked at the oriental boy with resentment and burst out of his teeth with the words "Little boy, one day you will know what the consequences are of blackmailing the John family"
Lin Cheng doesn’t care that he took over the account of old John just now and asked him to enter the password again. Lin Cheng looked at the balance of 150 million euros. He directly entered the amount into the Brown account and pressed OK.
Brown looked on with tears in his eyes, but the euro was more important than life.
Take Qian Lincheng, you’re welcome. Clap two hands on old John’s head and directly beat them into drooling dementia.
Clap your hands after these Lin Cheng seems to have accomplished a trivial thing.
The latest,,,,,,,,,,
6 escape from birth
? Brown saw Lin Cheng pat him gently behind their heads, but John’s eyes, old and young, were distracted at the same time. This distraction was not death, but concentration.
It is much more difficult to beat a person into dementia than to kill him directly with one hand, which requires advanced skill and subtle control of strength, and the control of strength should not be too deep or too shallow around the cerebral cortex, which is very strict with the skill of the palm.
Brown looked at the man of the hour in the two small towns in front of him, and he seemed to be surprised that his mind was still stuck in the 150 million euros in his account.
"Let’s go" Lin Chengyi waved and went out with Brown, but they haven’t heard the footsteps at the door yet, and Lin Chengyi and Lablanc are not alone, hiding behind the door.
Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock.
Lin Cheng took Brown’s fat body and tried to hide behind the sofa, but the sofa was not too high and Brown’s fat body could not be covered by the sofa.
Just as Brown tried to hide his body, the door was pushed.
"Oh, my God, old John, what’s wrong with you?" People looked at old John’s drooling in surprise and quickly held him forward.
"Call an ambulance quickly," the bearer ordered.
Then the whole villa got busy and didn’t pay attention to the two murderers behind the sofa.
While waiting for the ambulance to come, Lin Cheng and Brown had to hide behind the sofa all the time, but there were more and more outsiders. Lin Cheng could hear a burst of footsteps, but no one entered the room. Obviously, this was the majesty of old John, and people and bodyguards were afraid to set foot in old John’s room.
Lin Cheng is fine. He won’t be tired if he keeps moving for three or two days, but Brown can’t. He is too fat, and he will be exhausted even if he keeps moving.
"Oh, my God, we are finished!" Brown kept mumbling.
"Now I give you two choices. First, let’s walk out. If we don’t encounter cross-examination, everything will be fine. If we encounter cross-examination, we will kill you. Are you afraid?"
Lin Cheng is not even afraid of the Party Central Committee, let alone a gangster. No matter how powerful the gangster is, he will not openly use missile planes. At best, he will be a submachine gun, but Brown will tremble with fear. You know, he is not facing three or five people, but a world-famous huge gangster.
But I’m not afraid at the moment because old John and little John are not crazy by themselves, but the gang won’t care about these things. If they find out, they will tear themselves to pieces.
Brown now regrets to death, because this oriental directly pushed himself to the brink of destruction, and his horse was about to escape.
But fear is not the way. Brown’s mind sweeps away his fear and his brain works. "The ambulance usually comes in ten minutes, but now it’s seven minutes since the man talked, and they haven’t found us yet. Then why don’t we wait? When these people leave with the ambulance, we can escape."
Lin Cheng also nodded in agreement with Brown’s statement, because although he may run away with his speed, he has no gold bell, iron cloth shirt, no bullet and no guarantee that he will not be hurt in front of him. Brown’s statement is the most suitable way to escape at present.
Brown feels that it is really like a year now, and every second is so hard, but fortunately, after a long wait, the ambulance came and several people in the room went downstairs with the ambulance.
Lin Cheng looked up and saw that the house was really empty. Old John and young John were taken away by the ambulance together. At this time, the people inside and the bodyguards outside were in front of the ambulance, watching or following the car. This is always the most amazing thing before the annual Mafia Congress.
Brown just got up and was ready to go, but when he knelt just now, his legs were too long and his blood was not flowing. As soon as he got together, he almost fell down. At least there was a sofa in front of him.
Brown rubbed his legs for a long time before his qi and blood flowed.
"Go!" Lin Chenggang was about to leave when suddenly his eyes fell on the old Brown table, and a knife with a good shape was placed on the table, and Lin Cheng stole it and took it away.

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江苏上海,这座位于长江三角洲的繁华都市,以其独特的魅力吸引着无数游客和市民。白天,这里高楼林立,车水马龙,彰显着现代都市的活力;而夜晚,魔都的繁华背后,却隐藏着另一幅丰富多彩的生活画卷。 夜幕降临,华灯初上,上海的街头巷尾便热闹起来。从繁华的南京路步行街到静谧的田子坊,从高端的陆家嘴金融区到充满市井气息的弄堂,每一个角落都散发着浓厚的夜生活气息。 南京路步行街,是上海最具代表性的商业街之一。夜晚,这里人潮涌动,灯火辉煌。各大商场、品牌专卖店纷纷亮起招牌,展示着时尚的魅力。游客们在这里购物、品尝美食、欣赏表演,尽情享受着都市夜生活的乐趣。 田子坊,则是一个充满艺术气息的地方。夜晚,这里的小巷里灯光昏暗,酒吧、咖啡馆、画廊等特色店铺林立。游客们可以在这里感受上海的历史文化,品尝地道的上海小吃,体验独特的艺术氛围。 陆家嘴金融区,是上海的金融中心。夜晚,这里的高楼大厦灯光璀璨,犹如一颗颗明珠镶嵌在夜空中。在这里,你可以欣赏到美丽的黄浦江夜景,感受上海这座国际化大都市的韵味。 而弄堂,则是上海最具生活气息的地方。夜晚,弄堂里的居民们悠闲地散步、聊天,享受着宁静的夜晚。这里的夜市、小吃摊位琳琅满目,让人流连忘返。 上海夜生活丰富多彩,不仅体现在美食、购物、娱乐等方面,还体现在各种特色活动中。例如,上海夜生活节期间,各大商圈会举办各类主题活动,如音乐节、美食节、灯光秀等,让市民和游客尽情体验上海的夜生活。 此外,上海还有许多特色酒吧、咖啡馆,为夜生活增添了更多趣味。在这里,你可以品尝到各种美酒佳酿,欣赏到现场音乐表演,与朋友畅谈人生。 当然,上海夜生活也离不开运动。夜晚,健身房、游泳池、羽毛球馆等场所灯火通明,许多市民选择在夜幕降临时锻炼身体,保持健康的生活方式。 总之,江苏上海夜生活揭秘,让我们看到了魔都繁华背后的生活画卷。这里既有高端的商务氛围,也有市井的烟火气息;既有时尚的潮流元素,也有传统的文化底蕴。在这里,你可以尽情享受夜生活的乐趣,感受这座城市的魅力。



在繁华的上海,夜幕降临,灯火辉煌,却有一群姑娘,在这座城市的喧嚣中,独自度过属于自己的熬夜时光。她们或欢笑,或悲伤,或沉思,或疯狂,种种情绪交织在一起,构成了这个城市独特的风景线。 上海的姑娘们,大多是职场精英,她们在白天忙碌于各种工作,为生活奔波。夜晚,当人们进入梦乡,她们却开始了自己的熬夜时光。在这段时间里,她们或是为了完成工作任务,或是为了追逐自己的梦想,或是为了陪伴家人朋友。 夜晚的上海,街头巷尾弥漫着咖啡的香气,姑娘们穿梭于各个咖啡馆,与好友聚会,畅谈心事。她们分享着彼此的喜怒哀乐,度过了一个又一个难忘的夜晚。在这过程中,她们学会了成长,学会了坚强。 然而,熬夜并非总是愉快的。有时候,姑娘们会为了一个项目加班到深夜,疲惫不堪。她们在电脑前敲击着键盘,手指酸痛,眼睛干涩。但每当想到自己即将完成的任务,她们便重新振作起来,继续为自己的梦想努力。 在这个充满竞争的社会,姑娘们承受着巨大的压力。她们需要在工作中表现出色,同时还要兼顾家庭、友情和爱情。熬夜成了她们生活的一部分,也成为她们喜怒哀乐的源泉。 有时候,姑娘们会为了一个重要会议熬夜准备,只为在关键时刻展示自己的实力。她们在灯光下奋笔疾书,梳理思路,不断完善自己的演讲稿。当会议结束,她们疲惫不堪,但内心却充满了成就感。 而有时候,姑娘们会为了一个心仪的男生熬夜等待。她们在深夜的街头徘徊,期待着那个熟悉的身影出现。然而,往往事与愿违,她们只能黯然离去。在这个夜晚,她们学会了珍惜,学会了放下。 熬夜的时光里,姑娘们也遇到了许多感动。她们在街头偶遇一个流浪汉,递上一杯热腾腾的咖啡,温暖了他的心。她们在公交车上,为一位老人让座,收获了满满的尊重。这些小小的善举,让她们感受到了生活的美好。 然而,熬夜的代价也是巨大的。长时间的睡眠不足,让她们身心俱疲,免疫力下降。她们开始担心自己的健康,但为了梦想,她们依然选择坚持。 在这个充满喜怒哀乐的熬夜时光里,上海的姑娘们不断成长,不断蜕变。她们用自己的努力,书写着属于自己的精彩人生。她们坚信,只要心中有梦想,就一定能够照亮前行的道路。而这座繁华的城市,也将因为她们的存在,变得更加美好。



夜幕低垂,华灯初上,上海这座繁华的都市在光影的映衬下,展现出别样的魅力。而在这座城市的街头巷尾,有一位名叫王凯丽的姑娘,她的身影穿梭在光影之间,用她的热情与活力,记录着这座城市的深夜魅力。 王凯丽,一个典型的上海姑娘,她拥有着独特的气质和迷人的魅力。白天,她是职场上的女强人,面对繁重的工作,她始终保持着一颗坚韧的心。然而,当夜幕降临,她便换上了另一副模样,成为了一名街头摄影师。 在深夜的上海,王凯丽总能捕捉到那些令人陶醉的瞬间。她穿梭在熙熙攘攘的街头,用镜头记录下这座城市的繁华与宁静。光影流转,她仿佛成为了一个时光的旅行者,穿梭在历史的脉络中,感受着这座城市的变迁。 夜幕下的上海,充满了无尽的可能。王凯丽在这里遇到了许多有趣的人和事。她曾拍摄过一位在街头弹唱的歌手,他的歌声如泉水般清澈,吸引了无数行人驻足聆听;她还记录下了一位在街头跳舞的姑娘,她的舞姿曼妙,犹如一只美丽的蝴蝶在花丛中翩翩起舞。 在王凯丽的镜头下,上海的美不再是冰冷的钢筋水泥,而是一个充满生命力的地方。她用光影记录下了这座城市的故事,那些被时光遗忘的角落,在她的镜头下焕发出了新的生机。 王凯丽深知,摄影不仅仅是记录,更是一种表达。她希望通过自己的镜头,让更多的人了解上海这座城市的魅力。于是,她开始尝试用光影来讲述故事,用画面来传递情感。 在她的作品中,我们看到了上海滩的繁华,也看到了弄堂里的温情;我们看到了时尚的潮流,也看到了传统文化的底蕴。这些作品,犹如一幅幅精美的画卷,让人流连忘返。 在深夜的上海,王凯丽总能找到属于自己的那片天空。她用光影记录着这座城市的美好,也记录着自己的成长。她深知,摄影之路并非一帆风顺,但她始终保持着对摄影的热爱和执着。 光影流转,记录上海姑娘的深夜魅力。王凯丽用她的镜头,让我们看到了这座城市的另一面,也让我们看到了一个热爱生活、勇于追求梦想的女子。在她的作品中,我们感受到了上海这座城市的活力与魅力,也感受到了她那颗热爱摄影的心。
