

The short-haired woman happily said, "Mr. Ghost Face, you are really a generous man. It is understandable that a good man like you has a little secret."
"Don’t worry, I will keep my mouth shut, but I may need trouble later. Mr. Ghost Face hopes you can help me as always."
Tianyang indifferently said, "We’ll see. We’ve been out for a long time. I have to go back without it."
Kurome rushed to nod. "Me too. Let’s go together."
Leave the hall, cross the courtyard and pass the auditorium.
When I walked out of the gate of the sunset auditorium, the dark fog surged, and Tianyang suddenly’ looked’ at a rotating black shadow flying towards me.
When he stepped, a dark shadow flew over the corner of his eye and fell to his original position, not far from the steps in front of Kurome
Kurome exclaimed and fell to see a strange sickle on the front steps.
The sickle is very big, and the sickle body is bent like a crescent. The crescent-shaped blade is made up of flesh and blood and metal, and a piece of black metal blade emerges from the flesh and blood, and the flesh and blood has an eye.
Large and small pupils have different colors.
On the handle of the sickle, it is a white bone surface with red blood vessels and nerves attached!
(of age) about
A chain was thrown over and wrapped around the handle of the bones, pulling the sickle back and being firmly caught by one hand.
A hand full of black breath and a hand made of deep fog
Tianyang’s eyes followed this hand and saw a figure in a black cloak, which floated in the semi-dark cloak wind.
The hood is a thick dark fog, and you can’t see the face.
Several pieces were scattered and cracked at the tattered edge of the cloak, and those pieces turned into plumes of black smoke and scattered around.
This figure is still entangled with seven chains. Behind it, it is flying, which is reminiscent of octopus brachiopods. Apart from the chains and the curved sickle of flesh and blood, it includes the cloak, including the hand sticking out of the loose sleeve, which is made of rich and deep fog.
In the ghost mask, Tianyang slightly took a breath of air conditioning.
Deathly saint!
But also that real form of resurrection from the iron coffin!
I cann’t believe it found me. It looks so obsessed with me.
The teenager smiled bitterly in his heart, fearing that it would not be the evening when the king returned to the courtyard and found the treasure stolen and smashed the ice sculpture of the frozen saint of death, which would make the reptile die completely, but also liberate the second form of the saint of death.
This gesture is quite troublesome, especially the flesh and blood sickle, which is not only the body of the dead saint, but also has the power to bring life to death
Once hit by that sickle seven times, no matter how powerful it is, life will die.
That’s already a’ qualitative’ ability!
Sickle death saint waving dark fog in his hand, human figure disappearing and reappearing has come to Tianyang.
Bloody sickle, those eyes are all sunny. The’ highly anticipated’ teenager made a flashing ring to avoid sickle attack and appeared next to Kurome.
"You will not dreamland? It’s for me. Can you distract it? "
Kurome hurriedly said, "I’ll try, but it needs a little time."
The sun swept the steps and came to the square in front of the auditorium. As soon as it shot down the dead saint, it turned around and instantly dissipated. Then the dark fog near the sun the day after tomorrow condensed and instantly built a cloak and sickle danced.
When I was a teenager, I held on to the saint of death and dared not dance away from the sickle. I often didn’t send a distance to avoid a fatal attack.
The deathly Hallows also start its chains from time to time, and each of these seven chains represents a kind of ability.
When it is different from the crawling giant, the first form has no warning but limited power, and the chain state ability effect will rise but become traceable.
The chain is inserted into the sickle attack, which makes Tianyang dodge and avoid the difficulty.
I also dodged several attacks. The day after tomorrow, when Yang leaned back to avoid a chain that swept in, the sickle of the saint of death split from side to side at the same time. This day Yang did not dodge.
So he fled into the crystalline matrix.
The cloak of death is a shape, but the sickle is a real thing. Although the tip of the sickle plunged into the matrix, it stopped Tianyang’s forehead
There are still several centimeters away from the teenager.
The deathly Hallows will attack again when they pull out the sickle. The head in the hidden cloak turns to one side, and the figure dissipates and reappears. The sickle dances and attacks all around.
As if there was an invisible enemy there.
Tianyang hurriedly emerged from the matrix and saw Kurome running in a panic. "Let’s go quickly. If we are not on the scene, my dreamland will not last long."
Tianyang has no problem with the trouble of the dead saint. It is best for the black people not to entangle with it.
While the dead saint was trapped by the dreamland, the two quickly left the scene, and the sun gathered in black fog to cut off their breath, but they were not sure whether they could get rid of the king guard. After all, it could find it from Wang Tingda and might have the ability to understand the black fog.
I ran to the edge of the city in one breath. It is far enough away from the sunset auditorium. I am not good at running. Kurome is too tired to run. The woman’s forehead and black hair make sweat stick to a piece of clothing, and she has been wet and tightly attached to her chest to outline the curve.
"No, I can’t."
Kurome’s bronze staff supports my body. "I can’t run. My heart is about to explode."
"What the hell is that thing? This land is really dangerous. How many monsters are there?"
Tianyang didn’t answer, took a break and walked in the direction of the camp.
Kurome bullet "wait for me".
Very tired, she really wants to lie down and rest, but how dare she stay here alone and catch up with the sun in front of her?
Didn’t go long.
Tianyang’s heart felt that there was a shock wave when he didn’t look up. He handed it to me from a distance. At the moment, Kurome’s feet floated off the ground and his expression drifted blankly for a little distance before he fell.
Then there was a violent shaking in the nearby building, and the walls of several flesh-and-blood buildings were cracked, and bitter fog was sprayed from the inside.
"What now?"
Kurome hugged the copper rod and looked around in dismay. Suddenly, the pupil shrank.
Just far away.
A blue tide whirled to form a collapse vortex, which swept in a dim light like a sunset.
But at the same time, thousands of reds fell from the sky and hit the same place in secret.
The dense red thunder combined into a red light beam, in which a piece of moonlight crashed and shattered, and the image of a Taoist was broken, flying out like a kite and falling to an unknown party.
Tianyang’s heart was pounding.
Obviously it’s a sea of clouds!
Master Yun’s family was shot to fly, and the great image of the’ sea moon’ heaven and earth was also broken at the end of life and death.
As soon as the moon broke, the blue sea vortex disappeared, and the dim light finally got out of trouble.
But then there was a golden beast prancing at the dusk light.
When the golden beast jumped, the peaks folded to stop the dim light, and at the same time blocked the sight of Tianyang.
In a moment, the light in the peaks is great.
Heaven and earth is a faint shaking.
Then the illusory peaks were shattered, and the golden streamers bloomed like fireworks in all directions.
They fell into the city, smashed buildings and blew up yellow fireballs.
In that piece of blooming fireworks, a group of dusk light flew out across the sky and hit them in the direction of Tianyang like a meteorite.
The face in the Tianyang mask instantly changes color.

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在繁华的上海,夜生活总是充满了无限魅力。作为一名英语学习者,我发现通过学习与上海5月夜生活相关的英语词汇,不仅可以拓宽我的词汇量,还能让我更加深入地理解这座城市的文化和生活方式。以下是我的一些学习心得体会。 首先,我发现上海5月的夜生活词汇非常丰富,涵盖了餐饮、娱乐、交通等多个方面。例如,在餐饮方面,我们学习了“café”(咖啡馆)、“café au lait”(拿铁)、“dim sum”(点心)等词汇。这些词汇不仅让我在点餐时能够流利地与服务员沟通,还能让我在朋友聚会时分享自己的美食体验。 在娱乐方面,我学习了“karaoke”(卡拉OK)、“bar”(酒吧)、“night club”(夜店)等词汇。这些词汇让我在描述上海的夜生活时,能够更加生动形象。比如,我可以用“Last night, I went to a trendy bar in Shanghai and sang my favorite songs in karaoke.”(昨晚,我去了上海一家时尚的酒吧,在卡拉OK里唱了我最喜欢的歌曲。)这样的句子来展示我的夜生活。 此外,上海5月的夜生活词汇还涉及了交通方式。例如,“taxi”(出租车)、“subway”(地铁)、“bus”(公交车)等。这些词汇让我在规划夜生活行程时,能够更加方便地与当地人交流。比如,我可以说“I will take the subway to get to the bar.”(我将乘坐地铁去酒吧。) 在学习这些词汇的过程中,我发现将它们融入到实际语境中非常重要。以下是我的一些学习策略: 1. 制作词汇卡片:我将每个词汇的英文和中文写在小卡片上,随身携带,以便随时复习。 2. 创造情境:我尝试将学到的词汇融入到日常对话中,比如在和朋友聊天时,我会用上“go out”(出去)、“hang out”(闲逛)等词汇。 3. 观看英文视频:我经常观看英文电影、电视剧和纪录片,特别是那些关于上海夜生活的节目,这样既能学习词汇,又能了解当地文化。 4. 实践运用:我积极参加各种社交活动,比如英语角、派对等,这样可以在实际交流中运用所学词汇。 通过学习上海5月夜生活英语词汇,我不仅提高了自己的英语水平,还对这座城市有了更深的了解。我相信,这些词汇将成为我未来探索更多城市夜生活的重要工具。同时,我也意识到,学习语言是一个不断积累的过程,只有不断实践和运用,才能真正掌握。



江苏上海,这座位于长江三角洲的繁华都市,以其独特的魅力吸引着无数游客和市民。白天,这里高楼林立,车水马龙,彰显着现代都市的活力;而夜晚,魔都的繁华背后,却隐藏着另一幅丰富多彩的生活画卷。 夜幕降临,华灯初上,上海的街头巷尾便热闹起来。从繁华的南京路步行街到静谧的田子坊,从高端的陆家嘴金融区到充满市井气息的弄堂,每一个角落都散发着浓厚的夜生活气息。 南京路步行街,是上海最具代表性的商业街之一。夜晚,这里人潮涌动,灯火辉煌。各大商场、品牌专卖店纷纷亮起招牌,展示着时尚的魅力。游客们在这里购物、品尝美食、欣赏表演,尽情享受着都市夜生活的乐趣。 田子坊,则是一个充满艺术气息的地方。夜晚,这里的小巷里灯光昏暗,酒吧、咖啡馆、画廊等特色店铺林立。游客们可以在这里感受上海的历史文化,品尝地道的上海小吃,体验独特的艺术氛围。 陆家嘴金融区,是上海的金融中心。夜晚,这里的高楼大厦灯光璀璨,犹如一颗颗明珠镶嵌在夜空中。在这里,你可以欣赏到美丽的黄浦江夜景,感受上海这座国际化大都市的韵味。 而弄堂,则是上海最具生活气息的地方。夜晚,弄堂里的居民们悠闲地散步、聊天,享受着宁静的夜晚。这里的夜市、小吃摊位琳琅满目,让人流连忘返。 上海夜生活丰富多彩,不仅体现在美食、购物、娱乐等方面,还体现在各种特色活动中。例如,上海夜生活节期间,各大商圈会举办各类主题活动,如音乐节、美食节、灯光秀等,让市民和游客尽情体验上海的夜生活。 此外,上海还有许多特色酒吧、咖啡馆,为夜生活增添了更多趣味。在这里,你可以品尝到各种美酒佳酿,欣赏到现场音乐表演,与朋友畅谈人生。 当然,上海夜生活也离不开运动。夜晚,健身房、游泳池、羽毛球馆等场所灯火通明,许多市民选择在夜幕降临时锻炼身体,保持健康的生活方式。 总之,江苏上海夜生活揭秘,让我们看到了魔都繁华背后的生活画卷。这里既有高端的商务氛围,也有市井的烟火气息;既有时尚的潮流元素,也有传统的文化底蕴。在这里,你可以尽情享受夜生活的乐趣,感受这座城市的魅力。



在繁华的上海,夜幕降临,灯火辉煌,却有一群姑娘,在这座城市的喧嚣中,独自度过属于自己的熬夜时光。她们或欢笑,或悲伤,或沉思,或疯狂,种种情绪交织在一起,构成了这个城市独特的风景线。 上海的姑娘们,大多是职场精英,她们在白天忙碌于各种工作,为生活奔波。夜晚,当人们进入梦乡,她们却开始了自己的熬夜时光。在这段时间里,她们或是为了完成工作任务,或是为了追逐自己的梦想,或是为了陪伴家人朋友。 夜晚的上海,街头巷尾弥漫着咖啡的香气,姑娘们穿梭于各个咖啡馆,与好友聚会,畅谈心事。她们分享着彼此的喜怒哀乐,度过了一个又一个难忘的夜晚。在这过程中,她们学会了成长,学会了坚强。 然而,熬夜并非总是愉快的。有时候,姑娘们会为了一个项目加班到深夜,疲惫不堪。她们在电脑前敲击着键盘,手指酸痛,眼睛干涩。但每当想到自己即将完成的任务,她们便重新振作起来,继续为自己的梦想努力。 在这个充满竞争的社会,姑娘们承受着巨大的压力。她们需要在工作中表现出色,同时还要兼顾家庭、友情和爱情。熬夜成了她们生活的一部分,也成为她们喜怒哀乐的源泉。 有时候,姑娘们会为了一个重要会议熬夜准备,只为在关键时刻展示自己的实力。她们在灯光下奋笔疾书,梳理思路,不断完善自己的演讲稿。当会议结束,她们疲惫不堪,但内心却充满了成就感。 而有时候,姑娘们会为了一个心仪的男生熬夜等待。她们在深夜的街头徘徊,期待着那个熟悉的身影出现。然而,往往事与愿违,她们只能黯然离去。在这个夜晚,她们学会了珍惜,学会了放下。 熬夜的时光里,姑娘们也遇到了许多感动。她们在街头偶遇一个流浪汉,递上一杯热腾腾的咖啡,温暖了他的心。她们在公交车上,为一位老人让座,收获了满满的尊重。这些小小的善举,让她们感受到了生活的美好。 然而,熬夜的代价也是巨大的。长时间的睡眠不足,让她们身心俱疲,免疫力下降。她们开始担心自己的健康,但为了梦想,她们依然选择坚持。 在这个充满喜怒哀乐的熬夜时光里,上海的姑娘们不断成长,不断蜕变。她们用自己的努力,书写着属于自己的精彩人生。她们坚信,只要心中有梦想,就一定能够照亮前行的道路。而这座繁华的城市,也将因为她们的存在,变得更加美好。
