"… let! !” Drink back at the door to resist the four younger brothers and throw away their cigars in a cold expression. "Black Dragon … Tutu Sharjah! !” However, I heard a deep dragon chanting nine times. First, there was a black vertical stripe between the eyebrows when I just showed "Dark Evil Overlord". Then my hair turned upside down and I was bossy, followed by black gas. The whole person seemed to be wrapped in a black flame!


"Kill! !” A moment of binge drinking, Jiuzhong rushed into the crowd outside the hall like a left arrow and used fire!
These young and dangerous people are nine-fold rivals there, but when they see the nine-fold turn into a black dragon roll and sweep outside the corridor, they will be devastated and screamed, and they will be embedded in the top wall of the left and right heads!
The four door owners stared at the messy corridor and murmured, "Is this … is this the power of John Lone? !”
"What are you waiting for? Hurry up and rush out!" Shen Yue shouted a sentence to the silly people in the hall, taking the lead in chasing Jiuchong and rushing out, followed by Longya Guards!
Others finally react at this moment, and all the elders with four doors followed and rushed out!
Jiuzhong Road is invincible. In less than five minutes, it has led the crowd to fight the way out of Fulushou Restaurant and come to the street!
Look good when you get to the street! There are more people! However, Jiuchonggen didn’t care that he identified the direction and then went straight to the main street and killed it!
Nine pipes greet the enemies in front of him, and the enemies are left behind and left to others to deal with!
Ten Dragon Tooth Guards and four younger brothers are in charge of the enemies on the left and right. Their skills are not as good as Jiuchong’s. To deal with the enemy like a wave, you must do your best to keep your ability! But this is quite exhausting. They are 200 meters away from the location of Xia Dongdong, and they have just pushed forward the distance of 100 meters. The younger brother of the four doors has hung a guard with no ten dragon teeth left, and he is so tired that he is sweating and panting that he will not be able to hold on!
However, just when the Dragon Tooth Guards felt exhausted and almost unable to support themselves, they suddenly felt a strange force surge in their bodies, which made them swell up and almost collapse, and their bodies instantly urged them back to their peak state, but they were all firepower.
The Dragon Tooth Guards are amazed at the strength of this force, but it is not urgent at this time. They think about the source of this force and once again the young and dangerous people on both sides are fighting together!
The Dragon Tooth Guards are responsible for the flank installation, and the remaining four door owners are responsible for the rear installation! The martial arts of the Wulin Huimen family of the Kowloon Club are represented from generation to generation. The present door owners, Li Yuanzhen, Zhou Dingguo and Zheng Jia, naturally all have martial arts skills. Although Han Yi is not a family leader, his skills are not bad. Although these four people are in charge of the pursuers behind the temple, it is difficult to break through their joint defense!
Everyone worked together in Jiuzhong, a powerful arrow, and it was like an indestructible sword. In a short time, it had rushed out of the 150-meter distance towards the main street!
Just then, I saw a big truck suddenly coming out of the corner 200 meters away from the main street, and the people were fighting in the street, and they rushed straight at Jiuzhong!
It’s not bad for young and dangerous people to fight hard. When they see the truck coming, they quickly flash to both sides to make way for the truck!
The truck forced the crowd to cross the 50-meter distance all the way to Jiuzhong and others. Suddenly, the car braked suddenly and made a 100-degree turn. After that, the car stopped facing Jiuzhong and everyone!
The car door hit a ticket, and the young and dangerous people rushed from the car with machetes and rushed to both sides to resist the enemies on both sides. At this time, Xia Dongdong got out of the car and waved to Jiuzhong and shouted, "Boss is my express train! !”
"Just in time!" Nine heavy blunt behind all a wave of his hand shouted "car quickly! !”
They didn’t dare to hesitate. Jiuzhong didn’t get in the car first, but stood in the back of the car and resisted the surge. After the enemy rushed to meet their gang of young people and returned to the car safely, Jiuzhong forced back a wave of enemy toes and flew back into the car!
The people in the carriage quickly rushed the door to the front cab and shouted, "Everyone’s gone! !”
The truck started to accelerate again and rushed out of the crowd!
Hunting for young people wanted to stop Jiuchong, but no one dared to really stop them. Finally, they were successfully rushed out of the encirclement by a truck, leaving a long tail gas to take the road away!
Everyone managed to escape from the four gates. The Lord quickly called his brothers and informed them to evacuate at Fulushou Restaurant. They didn’t have to come when they were on their way. They directly diverted to Longyu, the headquarters of the Kowloon Club!
An hour later, the truck entered Longyu Villa and finally stopped in front of Jiuzhong’s villa.
Car dozen people from the car to Shen Yue with others into the villa first nine heavy and Xia Dongdong came to the front door of the truck and sat in the cab!
One person sitting in the driver’s seat is about twenty years old, dressed casually, with fine eyes, high nose and thin lips, a pair of eyes full of melancholy and affection, and a handsome guy with elegant long hair!
Jiuzhong and Xia Dongdong came in from the doors on both sides. Jiuzhong squeezed the man into the middle and punched a hole. He laughed. "Ha Baobao, it’s been a long time. I really want to die!"
"Stop it! Don’t say such disgusting things in front of me. I don’t know if we are gay, which seriously damages my image! Besides … I’m not a baby. My name is Bao Bao Wang Baobao! !” Wang Baobao didn’t good the spirit way a sentence at the eyes covered in blood nine heavy way "I depend on you this is how badly hurt? Why are you covered in blood? !”
Chapter 46 Nine families are back
Nine heavy wiped her face and looked at the blood. "Don’t worry, it’s not old blood, it’s all enemies! The person who can make old people bleed so much has not been born yet! "
"That means you didn’t get hurt? Oh, it’s a pity. I knew it was such a good opportunity to come out late, but I had to let you hang some color before coming out! "
"You don’t think I will die!" Nine heavy and looked at Wang Baobao way "by how a disappear feeling you smaller more virtual? ! Look at this face! "
Wang Baobao sighed, "Hey, who told me that my buddy is handsome? Every day, women can’t stop it. It’s really kind of you but you can’t do your best!" By the way, this time you mean to give me a blind date before I come. What about the peerless beauty in the photo? !”
"She …!" Nine heavy was about to speak Shen Yue came out of the villa and rushed nine heavy shouted "stay outside? Everyone is waiting for you! "
Because of the angle problem, Wang Baobao is still talking to him. It’s so beautiful that I can’t find a chicken to eat rice. I nodded and said, "Okay, okay, I’m coming here ~!" After that, I went to the arch of the car. "Hurry up and get out of my way!"
"I depend on you, a guy who values sex over friends!" Jiuzhong came from the car and entered the villa with Wang Baobao and Xia Dongdong!
Four elders from the Sage Hall, the main door of the four doors in the room, are sitting in the living room, drinking tea to calm down, waiting for Jiuchong to walk in and greeting Wang Baobao. "Baby, don’t mention it!"
Wang Baobao smell speech way "small kind see your ability you really don’t know diagnosis? Is this your home? !”
Nine heavy one leng way "huh? Didn’t Dongdong tell you? This is my home now! "
"Huh?" Wang Baobao looked Xia Dongdong way "he really? !”
Xia Dongdong nodded and said, "I didn’t tell you so much when I was in a hurry just now. Yes, this is the old boss and now it is the new leader of the Kowloon Club!"

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在上海这座繁华的国际大都市,夜幕降临,华灯初上,街头巷尾弥漫着一种独特的风情。而当夜色愈发浓郁,这座城市又展现出另一番别样的韵味,那就是属于姑娘们的夜生活。 深夜的上海,仿佛是一个神秘的世界,揭开了一层又一层的面纱。姑娘们身着时尚的服装,或优雅,或活力四射,穿梭在霓虹灯下,成为了这个夜晚最亮丽的风景线。 首先,让我们来到酒吧一条街。这里聚集了各式各样的酒吧,从高端的私人会所到接地气的街边小酒吧,应有尽有。姑娘们在这里卸下白天的疲惫,与好友相聚,畅饮谈心。她们或端着酒杯,优雅地品尝美酒,或欢快地跳舞,释放内心的热情。酒吧里的音乐、灯光与姑娘们的笑声交织在一起,构成了一幅生动的夜生活画卷。 穿过酒吧一条街,我们来到了时尚购物中心。深夜的商场依然灯火通明,姑娘们纷纷在此挑选心仪的衣物、化妆品。她们或与闺蜜一起试穿,或独自一人享受购物的乐趣。商场里琳琅满目的商品,满足了姑娘们对美的追求。而在购物过程中,她们也收获了快乐与满足。 夜深了,姑娘们又纷纷来到了夜市。这里的小吃、玩具、饰品琳琅满目,让人目不暇接。姑娘们在这里品尝美食,挑选小玩意,与摊主讨价还价,欢声笑语不断。夜市的热闹氛围,让姑娘们暂时忘却了生活的压力,尽情享受这份难得的轻松。 此外,姑娘们还会相约去KTV释放自己的热情。在这里,她们可以尽情地唱歌、跳舞,释放内心的压力。KTV里的灯光闪烁,音乐激昂,姑娘们的身影在舞池中摇曳生姿,成为这个夜晚最闪耀的存在。 当然,深夜的上海还有许多其他精彩的活动。比如,姑娘们会去电影院观看最新上映的电影,享受一场视觉盛宴;或是去健身房挥洒汗水,保持健康的生活状态;甚至还有姑娘们选择去艺术展览、音乐会等地,感受文化的熏陶。 总之,深夜的上海,姑娘们的夜生活风情万种。她们在夜幕下尽情地挥洒自己的青春与活力,成为了这座城市夜晚最亮丽的风景线。而这一切,都让人不禁为这座城市的魅力所折服。



夜幕降临,华灯初上,上海这座繁华的国际大都市,便开始了一场无与伦比的夜生活盛宴。夜上海,以其独特的魅力,吸引着无数游客和市民流连忘返。 漫步在南京路步行街,霓虹灯闪烁,店铺林立,这里是上海最繁华的商业街区之一。夜色中的南京路,仿佛一条流动的彩带,将上海的繁华与活力展现得淋漓尽致。街道两旁,各种美食店铺香气四溢,让人垂涎欲滴。街头巷尾,各种表演此起彼伏,为这座不夜城增添了无尽的乐趣。 苏州河畔,夜色中的黄浦江水波荡漾,两岸的摩天大楼在灯光的映衬下,犹如一座座璀璨的明珠。夜游黄浦江,乘坐游船穿梭于两岸高楼之间,感受这座城市的独特韵味。夜幕下的外滩,流光溢彩,仿佛穿越时空,回到了上个世纪30年代的风情万种的上海滩。 走进上海滩,仿佛置身于一个梦幻的世界。在这里,你可以欣赏到一场场精彩的表演,感受这座城市的激情与活力。巨型透明的水幕舞台,360度环绕式空间,让你仿佛置身于一个奇幻的梦境。空中表演、纸、水、风、舞,酷炫的舞台装置和视觉体验,让你目不暇接,流连忘返。 夜幕下的上海,不仅是繁华的商业街区,更是充满艺术气息的文化殿堂。上海大剧院、上海音乐厅等文化场所,在这里,你可以欣赏到世界级的演出,感受艺术的魅力。而上海的街头艺术,更是让人叹为观止。涂鸦、雕塑、行为艺术,各种艺术形式在这里汇聚,为这座城市增添了独特的文化底蕴。 夜上海,是一座不夜城,这里的生活节奏仿佛比白天还要快。夜幕下的上海,人们纷纷走出家门,释放自己的激情与活力。无论是年轻人还是老年人,都在这个夜晚找到了属于自己的快乐。夜上海的街头,充满了欢声笑语,人们在这里尽情享受着生活的美好。 然而,夜上海的魅力并非仅仅在于繁华与热闹。这里的夜晚,同样充满了宁静与温馨。在夜色中,你可以看到许多市民在公园里散步、聊天,享受着这份难得的宁静。而那些夜晚依然坚守岗位的工人,则用自己的辛勤付出,为这座城市的繁荣发展默默奉献。 夜上海,夜幕下的繁华盛宴,是一幅流动的画卷,是一首优美的诗篇。在这里,你可以感受到这座城市的魅力,也可以找到属于自己的快乐。夜上海,期待着每一位游客和市民的到来,共同感受这座不夜城的独特韵味。



上海,这座国际化大都市,夜晚的活力与魅力丝毫不亚于白日。夜幕降临,华灯初上,上海各大商圈、公园、艺术空间纷纷举办丰富多彩的娱乐活动,为市民和游客带来一场场视觉、听觉、味觉的盛宴。以下是几大不容错过的上海夜生活娱乐活动,让你感受这座城市的独特魅力。 首先,光影交错的静安国际光影节绝对不容错过。在中秋国庆期间,苏河湾滨水空间将点亮整个秋季,成为游客必打卡之地。光影音乐天台派对、歌剧魅影主题巴士等活动让夜晚充满潮流魅力,解锁静安的夜生活。 其次,茶香四溢的上海国际茶文化旅游节也是一大亮点。苏州河畔的苏河湾将成为茶文化爱好者的聚集地,品味东方茶文化的韵味,感受茶与静安的完美融合。 此外,露天电影、非遗文化体验等活动也让人流连忘返。嘉定宝龙广场推出的落日派对活动,带来两部露天电影,让喜欢看电影的小伙伴们大饱眼福。马陆镇文化体育服务中心举办的京剧脸谱活动,带你领略国粹的魅力。 走进虹口的艺术空间,一场清凉之旅等你来赴。夜次元——奇遇之夜艺术展,通过户外公共艺术单元和室内艺术单元,带来三重不同的奇遇体验。户外公共艺术单元梦之屋中的作品,白天成为坚硬的外壳,夜晚则成为奇遇的起点,让人感受到城市的夜晚魅力。 在张江科学城,第二届夜张江生活节为你带来夏日清凉。汇智国际商业中心以“艺术科技商业”的独特定位,打造了一处万物聚合引力场,让你在玩趣的夜市空间中感受张江的城市烟火气息。品尝各地美食、体验各类运动挑战项目、享受亲子互动的欢乐时光,让你度过一个难忘的夏日夜晚。 总之,上海夜生活精彩纷呈,不容错过。无论是光影交错的静安国际光影节,还是茶香四溢的上海国际茶文化旅游节,亦或是露天电影、非遗文化体验等活动,都能让你感受到这座城市的独特魅力。在这个充满活力的夜晚,不妨走出家门,去感受上海的夜生活,开启一段美好的时光之旅。
